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I first developed my passion for horses in 1990, when I attended a day camp that offered horseback riding lessons. I continued going to that camp every summer and began taking winter riding lessons at the farm, and eventually started working there teaching lessons to the younger students, assisting the instructors and doing basic care for the horses, along with assisting the vet with her rounds and getting to work with the equine dentist and feeling around in horses mouths. I also, while in high school showed goats and sheep for three years, was on the Equine Judging team for three years, the Livestock team for two, the Entomology team for one, and the Horticulture/ Landscaping team for three years where I placed first individually at the state level, as well as winning numerous chapter level awards and becoming President of the chapter my senior year. I left there to attend Texas A&M University where I received a bachelor's in Animal Science. While attending college I started horses for a small thoroughbred breeding farm, and I also went on rounds with a farrier for several months, then moved on to working for Glenn Cochran, a very knowledgeable trainer, where I learned many new exciting tricks to add to my bag of knowledge. From there I started working for Carousel Acres where I, among other chores, worked with their Peruvian horses, helping start horses under saddle to working more finished show horses. I also joined up with the drill team: the Texas Ladies Aside, and learned to ride side saddle and then started other mounts now used on the team side saddle. I then did a working student program at Outfoxed Farms, a dressage barn in New York. I am now at my new facility in Hearne, Texas taking in a limited number of outside horses, and I am very excited to also be working for my equine vet: Buspar in uk!